Lyrics, poetry and art all meshed together

Monday, September 24, 2007

Tavern of Creativity

The first annual Tavern of Creativity on 9/15/07 was a huge success. I must thank all those who stopped by to show support, not to mention the poets and artists who participated. Some poets and artists flew in from other states such as Florida, Ohio and Milwaukee, it was awesome. I got to meet my blogger friend Xavier for the first time, he flew in from Florida and had the opportunity to sell his book hot off the press released this past July. Again congrats Xavier.

My girl Miss Aminah Love aka Sonia Roman read her poems for the very first time to a hungry audience of 50 or so, she said she was nervous but didn't look it at all.

Let me tell you how I was blown away by the series of poems that were read by Xavier, Aminah Love, Rob Bless, Bougie aka Stephen Jordan, Wil Townsend, Nnmandi, Sam, Jose Vilson, Celeste Doaks and Melissa Falcon. They all performed beautifully. We also had food, my sister and I hit pots and pans which had people coming for seconds and thirds. We served fried vegetable eggrolls, pizza rolls, fried Haitian pork (griots), turkey meatballs, macaroni salad, mini salmon pastries. cookies, chips, crackers and cheese. The bar was open for drinks serving Sangria as Happy Hour.

Each poet had a table to sell their art and books to the audience. Once you walked in at the Stain Bar you were richly introduced to their world of colorful art and poetry. Prices on poetry books and art ranged from $5 and up. It was an incredible night,the 2nd one i'm sure will be as memorable.

If you'd like to participate in the 2nd annual Tavern of Creativity which is planned for Spring 2008, feel free to email me. Whether you're a poet and don't know it, an artist who needs a boost, singing or knitting, even comedy, don't be afraid to let your light shine.


Xave said...

God willing, I will definitely be counted among those present at the second annual. The opportunity to meet you, your sister, and all those talented people was not to be missed. As great as it was, I say we make it even bigger next year, and continue breaking records every year after that.

Peace and Love

Ty said...

Yes, let me know Cathy. I would love to do something for the next event.

Lyrically speaking said...

Xavier:Thank you, 2008 here we come!! Much bigger and better the next time around.

Ty: I will keep you in mind for the next one, thanks so much for purchasing art and books, you're a gem

Harlem Purl said...

Looks like you guys had so much fun, I'm sorry I misse dout. I would love to attend your spring event so please keep me posted.

By The Way, you didn't call me last week and my feelings are hurt:-(

Anonymous said...

I am glad all went well!!! I wish I was there!!

Angel said...

count me as one of the ones to attend the second annual too! sounds like yall had TOO much fun!

Rethabile said...

Wow, sounds like it was a gem of an event. Wish I could make it, really, even if it was only to hear you and Xavier reading.

Lyrically speaking said...

Miss Harlem Purl: I have you down for next Spring, you're the Knitting Queen and will be the one and only to display your work :)

Epsilonicus: Hopefully you can attend the next one

Fallen Angel: It will be cool to finally meet you, hope you can also make it :)

Rethabile: It was unbelievable, all these poets, food and artwork...we had a bal

Admin UD said...

lovely ladies/ drooling ;)

Lyrically speaking said...

Ugo: thank you for the sweet compliment :)

DeLi said...

wow! amazing...
and thanks for passing by
and leaving kind comments in
my site........

Lyrically speaking said...

Deli: I enjoyed your blog and add you to my list...thanks for the visit and come again

Ananda said...

what a great post. the photos really make me wanna be there in spring 2008. i know it was a great event. also, i love all of the art on your september posts. it is as always inspiring. much love and light, ananda

ps: thanks for stopping by last week or the week before to comment on my blog. it got me off my blog behind. now i am on a little schedule each week where i visit other blogs that i have enjoy reading. my comments are bringing some folks to my blogs. one word and connection at a time. it also has inspired me to share how these blogs inspire me in my creative process and their connections to my novel. so look out for one about haitian artists and the connection i have with haitian art in my novel and life. again, thanks for the encouragement.

Stephen A. Bess said...

Yes, you guys look great. I want to make this event next time. God willing. Thanks again for the painting. It was more than worth the price. We love it!

Kai said...

that's so wonderful! i miss visitinng you...hope you are doing well
hugs & lots of luv

Jose Vilson said...

It was a good time had by all for sure ...

Fabrizio said...

EHy! It would be so cool for me and my drawings!

Mmm... should i take off and go to NY?

get zapped said...

What a fun time had by all it appears! I'm always impressed when fellow bloggers meet in person. I have yet to do that. Boy, the food alone makes me want to get a ticket and be there for the Spring '08 event! Thanks for sharing this uplifting poet connection.


Lyrically speaking said...

Ananda: thank you and i'm glad to help inspire you to write more on your blog, I will check it out again soon

Lyrically speaking said...

Stephen: I really hope you can make it to the next event and i'm glad you like the painting, hope you find a good space for it somewhere in your home

Kai: It's nice to see you here again, I will drop by more often

Jose: it was cool seeing you last week at the Juke Joint, can't wait for the next one

Fabrizio: Yeah, you do have some awesome drawings and i'm sure they would sell here at the Tavern of Creativity

Get Zapped: Hope you can make it to the next event in the spring :)it would be nice to meet you too

Soldier said...

fingers crossed so i can make it to the next one...