Lyrics, poetry and art all meshed together

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Well, i'm glad i'm not too late to express my Gratitude so here goes, drum roll please:

1. Blogger friends who show so much love and support, too bad some of you are so far away :(
2. Writing, to have the ability to blaze the imagination with spicy, delicious words, words and more words
3. My family and friends who are all so thrilled for me, they make me feel like some kind of celebrity since the book is out, which is flattering but I'm just a simple Cali girl trying to be heard (hello? can you hear me now? Lol)
4. the digital camera I have at home that took those lovely pics of my cooking and the kitchen, by the way my kitchen is orange which is my favorite color and now that I learned how to download it's ON, i'm on a roll to finally show you guys my favorite things at mi casa and NY
5. To have the talent to cook, at home you'll find me in the kitchen or in my bedroom writing...I love to cook, the dish you see above is a vegeterian dish I made with Risotto rice and veggie patties which I seasoned with garlic, parsley, olive oil, orange juice, tomatoe paste and voila!! It's sooooooo yummy.
6. I must also say i'm grateful for Ignacio, my genuis friend who helped with resizing my pics...he is so talented, watch out for him out there in the graphic design world

I'm really not a meat person all the time and I can't stand the taste of chicken ever since I went vegetarian like 3 years ago. It was just last year that I started adding meat again to my diet, small portions of turkey and fish. Speaking of portions, check out the 32 pound turkeys my landlady made last week for Thanksgiving and she's Haitian so you know that turkey was slamming with flavor, and I helped her seasoned them, we tied up their legs with green ribbons, making them girly. I named them Cassandra and Melissa...Cassandra was fat but appealing to look at, that's why I took her picture :) Stay tuned for more pics.


Xave said...

And you cook too...

Se bon bagay! Ki le m'ap goute min-ou? Ou paka met manje devam pou pa ofri'm. Sa rele "tanter le diable" ;-)

Lyrically speaking said...

Xavier, you are too much, lol, oui the turkey etait delicieux, trop delicieux, map ofri la prochaine fois :)

Nique said...

I appologize that i have not been here in awhile, I havent been online much really;all in all you know that your page is what i really lookforward to. I am thankful for you.

Stephen A. Bess said...

This looks delicious. You know, you have what most would call a "flair!" :)

Lyrically speaking said...

Awww, thank you Stephen

Nique, it's nice to see you here, come back again :)

Kai said...

very cool...

by the way
i'm thankful for u

Xave said...

Je t'attends!

Angel said...

glad you FINALLY joined us in gratitude lists! and extra glad you shared you're becoming more and more technologically advanced so we get to see pics of things like orange kitchens and girly turkeys! :-)

Libra Moon said...

Good Day Miss Dela!

Thank You for sharing intimate details with Us.

Here is a "Cosmic Junction..." My kitchen is orange too! So is my Living Room. Orange is a stress free and relaxing hue. These colours were here when I moved in... Loved it!!! Will have to post these pics as well.

Enjoy the Day Miss Dela!
Libra Moon

PS: Thank You for stopping by! My hair has a whole new colour spectrum happening since the last post. Will share a peek with you soon...

PSS: Have your friend Ignacio adjust the image size of your profile picture. I am "dial-up" and your new image takes "forever" to load... Thank You!

Jenell : BlakIzBeautyful said...


Look at that Turkey!!

I have a question... and you don't have to respond.

Are you a believer in God?
I ask, because in all your thanking you didn't thank the Lord.
I noticed that quickly, because I am a believer, and I know there are people out there that aren't.

Lyrically speaking said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Lyrically speaking said...

Thank you all, but I don't think the turkey would have been enough to feed all of you, lol

Miss Jenellybean, I am a believer in God, yes indeed...although i tend to keep it to myself, thanks for noticing. I know without his presence in my life nothing is possible, believe me I know cause' I've had some rough times but here I am, keeping my head up high

Libra Moon said...


RED: located at the sacrum (tail bone areas) represents passion, strength, conquest, vigor, action, vitality and the power of life. if you're feeling a bit down, wear red!

ORANGE: in the lower belly, the orange chakra is the center of all aspects of creativity. it covers not only our need to express ourselves artistically, but also that most creative of all aspects of orange emits a welcoming energy, is friendly and approachable and is the colour of hope!

YELLOW: is associated with the solar plexus and holds first place in the spectrum for maximum brightness and luminosity. it spreads sunshine and is the colour of intellectual illumination and new ideas. if your self-esteem feels low, try wearing yellow.

GREEN: is centered in the area of the heart. green occupies the center of the spectrum and so appropriately, is about balance. it's helpful for health and healing and also promotes emotional healing...just walking in the green of nature will help.

BLUE: associated with the throat chakra. it's the colour of communication..speaking your truth...and represents serenity. if we wish true inner serenity, we must be willing to gently speak our truth. it possesses a tranquil vibration and calms the mind.

INDIGO: is located between the eyes...often referred to as the "3rd" eye. this center is about intuition, introspection and self-contemplation. indigo is the peacemaker and encourages fairness and justice.

VIOLET: (purple) this chakra is located on the top of our head. violet is thought to be the center where we open to our spiritual connection and is the highest colour vibration of the spectrum, the shortest wavelength and is the energy of self transformation and spiritual maturity.

For more fun... find out what your Birth Colour is at:

Lyrically speaking said...

Ooooh cool, thanks Miss Libra moon for sharing this with me, now I can appreciate orange even more :)

Anonymous said...

*Licking my lips now*

That turkey got me soooooooo damn hungry now!!!

Jenell : BlakIzBeautyful said...

Thats great!

Because the Lord is Good sister...